FIGHTERJETS compared: Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA vs F-22 RAPTOR

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First of all, here is a video on the first T-50’s public display (Moscow – MAKS 2011, August 17, 2011):



The Lockheed Martin/BIDS F-22 Raptor, and the brand new Sukhoi T-50 PAK FA are the current leading-edge 5th generation fighter aircraft. Lots of people would like to assess the capabilities of the two fighterjets. However, no aircraft can be compared regarding its specifications only as fighter aircraft are designed within a wider system – radars; weapon systems; training; and sharing information through data links.

All we know is that the F-22, and the PAK FA are equipped with excellent AESA radars. Though still secret, the Raptor’s stealth is deemed to feature a record-breaking RCS (Radar Cross Section). The T-50, which is to be fielded within the Indian and Rusian air forces, might be equipped with anti-AWACS missiles. The Chinese Chengdu J-20 has not disclosed much information so far, but it will be interesting to this new 5th-gen fighter with the two other aircraft.

Click on the infographics below to read some elementary specifications about the Russian 5th generation fighter aircraft:


The T-50 fifth-generation fighter

13:28 19/02/2010 The T-50’s specifications and performance compared to the Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 Raptor>>

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5th generation fighter Sukhoi PAK FA future big hit?

The Indian-Russian PAK FA (or T-50) might become a blockbuster in 5th-generation-fighter category according to these arguments:

  1. It would be far less expensive than its direct competitors (up to 3 times cheaper)
  2. The PAK FA’s range would be superior by 70% compared to the F-22 one
  3. Bigger in its wing surface and lighter than the F-22, it should be more maneuverable than the Raptor
  4. It would be between 14 and 20% faster than the F-22
  5. The PAK FA would have a 20% thrust-to-weight-ratio advance

As far as radar, system, and stealth are concerned, the Raptor must be over any other fighter aircraft considering its heavy program cost (around $65 billion) compared to the PAK FA one which should not exceed $8 billion.

However, the main problem in such comparison is that crucial assets such as stealth are not visible, and kept secret. Moreover other factors can change the balance: weaponry performance, pilots’ training, and data links among others. For instance, the Russian military are not likely to purchase more than 10 PAK FAs by 2012, and around 50 only by 2016.

Pictures and articles below:

Russian military to buy 50 fifth-generation fighters after 2016

18:53 17/06/2010 Russia’s Defense Ministry will order at least 50 fifth-generation fighters from 2016, a senior official said on Thursday.>>

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22:36 17/06/2010 Russia’s fifth-generation fighter aircraft Sukhoi T-50 made its 16th test flight at the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TSAGI) in Zhukovsky near Moscow, thus completing the first stage of air and ground tests.>>

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16:26 17/06/2010 Russia’s fifth generation fighter will be about three times as cheap as its foreign analog, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Thursday.>>

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19:42 18/06/2010 Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin arrived on June 17 in Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, to observe the test flight of a Russian fifth-generation fighter.>>

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Sukhoi PAK FA / T-50 closer views and comparisons

Future Airborne Complex – Frontline Aviation, Perspektivny aviatsionny kompleks frontovoy aviatsii


Russian 5th generation fighter aircraft Sukhoi PAK FA / T-50 deliveries delayed

Russian 5th-generation fighter deliveries delayed until 2015

18:45 09/02/2010 Deliveries of fifth-generation fighters to Russia’s Air Force will start in 2015 rather than in 2013 as previously announced, the Air Force chief said on Tuesday.>>

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