Firefighters, as well as military personnel might be involved in a CRO (Crisis Response Operation – WARNING as this acronym has many other meanings in the military).
To whom it may concern, a short vocabulary review could be useful in case of (let’s hope you won’t deal with it) either natural disasters or a nuclear powerplant accident.
For instance:
- « Fallout » is used in the headline above, and it means « consequences » but it also means « fallout » like in « radioactive/radiological fallout » (retombees radioactives/radiologiques)
- NRBC (Nuclear, Radiological, Biological, and Chemical) or CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear)
- Meltdown scenario = scenario de fusion du coeur du reacteur
- Plume of smoke = Panache de fumee
- Tidal wave, tsunami = Tsunami
- Earthquake, quake = Tremblement de terre
- Tremor = Secousse, replique
- Shake, shaking = Secousse
- Mud slide (prononcez [meud slaïd])/Land slide = Coulee de boue/Glissement de terrain
- Flood/Flooding (prononcez [fleud] ou [fleuding]) = innondation
- Fire/Arson = Incendie/Incendie criminel
…and so on. Watch, and listen carefully to this PBS News-Hour video: