Firefighters, as well as military personnel might be involved in a CRO (Crisis Response Operation – WARNING as this acronym has many other meanings in the military).

To whom it may concern, a short vocabulary review could be useful in case of (let’s hope you won’t deal with it) either natural disasters or a nuclear powerplant accident.

For instance:

  • « Fallout » is used in the headline above, and it means « consequences » but it also means « fallout » like in « radioactive/radiological fallout » (retombees radioactives/radiologiques)
  • NRBC (Nuclear, Radiological, Biological, and Chemical) or CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear)
  • Meltdown scenario = scenario de fusion du coeur du reacteur
  • Plume of smoke = Panache de fumee
  • Tidal wave, tsunami = Tsunami
  • Earthquake, quake = Tremblement de terre
  • Tremor = Secousse, replique
  • Shake, shaking = Secousse
  • Mud slide (prononcez [meud slaïd])/Land slide = Coulee de boue/Glissement de terrain
  • Flood/Flooding (prononcez [fleud] ou [fleuding]) = innondation
  • Fire/Arson = Incendie/Incendie criminel

…and so on. Watch, and listen carefully to this PBS News-Hour video:



ICAO Language Proficiency Rating Scale – Grille de niveaux de langues (anglais OACI)

cours anglais aviation Toni Giacoia FCL .055 OACI en ligne à distance

Cours d’anglais aéronautique sur FCL ANGLAIS

Référentiel fixant les niveaux OACI par compétences.

Cliquer sur le document « Echelle d’évaluation des compétences linguistiques » de la DGAC ci-dessous:


Attention, l’existence de mises à jour concernant ces documents est possible. Il convient dès lors de rechercher des compléments d’information auprès de votre administration ou auprès des autorités compétentes (la DGAC pour la France et surtout l’OACI).


SAAB’s RAPID 3D MAPPING for Military Aircraft

RAPID 3D MAPPING is a superior awareness system able to generate three dimensional maps. It processes pictures shot by digital and thermal sensors added to live georeferenced data onboard aircraft; drones; and helicopters.

It was chosen by the SDMA – Swedish Defence Materiel Administration – in order to provide 3D imagery to Gripen simulators last year.

The images can be compared several hours apart to establish whether threats can be considered in the latest analysis. As you can see in this video, the result looks quite accurate and useful for network centric warfare (NCW) purposes:


US military aircraft supposedly made up of Chinese knockoff!



November 1, 2011 – A commercial aircraft performed an emergency landing onto Frederic Chopin International Airport two hours ago. The LOT Polish Airlines B-767 that had taken off from Newark had then been circling over Poland’s capital for an hour as a landing gear failure had been reported. The belly-landing unfolded perfectly, and the firefighters responded immediately. No casualties have been reported among the crew members and the 230 passengers.
