General English represents around 70% of aviation English. So, it can be helpful to listen to some general English once in a while. This American English video is not that tough for ICAO level 5 or SLP 3333 speakers but it is a bit fast and full of slang. Therefore, it could be difficult to understand. However, and as it is funny, it is worth watching:


Pete is a mustache virgin, but lately he has been second-guessing his choices.
Pete n’a pas de moustache, mais dernièrement, il a remis ses choix en question.
We are still on for duck hunting?
Ça tient toujours pour la chasse au canard?
That is the plan, Boss Man.
Absolument, chef.
Hit me back, stache attack.
Rappelle-moi, moustache-attaque. (stache attack, between Mars-attack and stache salute. Stache salute signifie un respect que les sans-moustaches portent aux moustachus)
I like shooting ducks.
Cela me plaît de tirer sur des canards.
I’m not sure you’re cut out for it.
Je ne suis pas certain que tu sois taillé pour cela.
I know what you’re thinking, Pete – The stached get all the breaks.
Je sais à quoi tu penses, Pete: les moustachus ont tous les avantages.
But one does not move to stached one on a whim.
Mais on ne passe pas à la moustache sur un coup de tête.
You wanna be the lord of the lip, you do it right or you don’t do it at all.
Tu veux être le seigneur de la lèvre, tu t’y prends correctement, sinon ne fais rien.
Are we clear? Good, man. Now take these simple nuggets of wisdom as gospel:
Est-ce clair? Bien! Maintenant, considère ces pures pépites de sagesse comme parole d’évangile:
First things first. You can’t just grow a mustache.
Commençons par le début. Tu ne sais tout simplement pas comment te laisser pousser la moustache.
Waiting for it to get to the good looking stage takes way too long.
Attendre que cela ait bonne allure prends beaucoup trop de temps.
And it is a tad creepy in its incubation phase. Best to grow out a beard first.
Et puis, elle a un peu de quoi faire peur (a tad: un peu) dans sa phase d’incubation. Mieux vaut d’abord se laisser pousser la barbe.
Hold back the mustache for its official debut.
Ne te presse pas pour l’apparition officielle de ta moustache.
Quick side rule:
Petite règle en apparté:
It’ll be pretty clear if you have the chops for facial hair during the beard stage.
Ce sera bien net si tu des favoris lorsque tu porteras la barbe.
If you look like a Yeti with a hormone disorder, you may want to consider a different way to get in touch with your manhood.
Si tu as l’air d’un yéti avec des troubles hormonaux, il est peut-être préférable que tu reconsidères ta façon d’aborder ta virilité.
Once your little friend has fully matured, you may not immediately recognize yourself in the mirror.
Il se peut que tu ne te reconnaisses pas dans la glace lorsque ton compagnon pileux sera arrivé à maturation.
That’s because this baby is more than just hair. It’s attitude.
C’est parceque cette merveille est plus qu’une chevelure. C’est une attitude.
Embrace that.
Comprends bien cela.
Care to live the life of a big game hunter?
Envie de mener la vie d’un chasseur de gros gibier?
Wanna ride your new hog into the sunset?
Envie de rouler sur ta nouvelle Harley Davidson au crépuscule?
Wanna sell antique cars to Italian businessmen?
Envie de vendre des voitures anciennes à des hommes d’affaire italiens?
Those bristles under your nose open the door to a lifestyle the stacheless could never pull off.
Ces poils sous ton nez ouvrent la porte sur un mode de vie que les sans moustaches ne pourraient pas imaginer.
Now, Pete, you may be eager to show off your new accessory.
Maintenant, Pete, il se peut que tu brûles d’envie d’épater la gallerie avec ton complice.
Better to let your new look That’s because this baby.
Mieux vaut laisser ton nouveau look parler de lui-même.
Nice duds, Tex! How about you come visit my ranch this weekend?
Chouettes fringues, Texan! Et si tu passais à mon ranch ce weekend? (a Tex is a tall man, often attractive, a little weird with a sense of humor and usually good at guitar)(attention: duds, ce sont aussi des UXO, unexploded device or munition, aussi toute personne qui a quelquechose qui cloche et enfin tout appareil qui ne fonctionne pas correctement)
I like horses.
J’aime les chevaux.
Good for you, Wayne… Good for you.
Tant mieux pour toi, Wayne… Tant mieux pour toi.
The stache has spoken. Until next time, enjoy being a man who gets the tough things done.
La moustache a parlé. Jusqu’à la prochaine occasion, réjouis-toi de faire partie des durs.

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Mach-3 SR-71 Blackbird’s HOT COCKPIT

Blackbird onboard USS Intrepid – Photo © Xavier Cotton

As you may have heard, the mythical Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird was a strategic reconnaissance aircraft able to fly at more than Mach 3 – Mach 3.3 ie around 3,500 km/h; or 1,900 kts; and at a maximum flight level of… FL 850 or 26 kilometers high!

The Blackbird indeed had a unique flight envelope with a particular doghouse plot (since she could not exceed 3.5 G), and an exceptionnal coffin corner limited by her CIT – Compressor Inlet Temperature of 427°C maximum.

This aircraft was also unique for her engines were two J58 ramjets fuelled by JP-7 especially refined for extreme flying purpose. This special fuel could drip and leak abundantly as the airframe made up of titanium was retracted while taxiing, and became airtight only when it got its operating shape while flying very fast and very high because of the air density, and surrounding pressure plus the heating caused by the air friction at such speeds. In short, the whole structure considerably expanded when airborne.

The irony – I heard it on the grapevine, or read it somewhere on the web – that titanium which turned into dark blue while flying (SR-71s probably deserved those unofficial other nicknames « Bluebird », or « Habu » viper) was « imported » from… USSR!

Pilots must have taken significant risks inherent in flying such an aircraft as mentioned in this previous post. These pilots used to fly over the USSR to take strategic reconnaissance photographs during the Cold war. They wore pressurized spacesuits so that their blood could not boil in case of decompression or ejection at such altitudes.

The Blackbird travelled faster than a rifle bullet, and the air friction could have melt aluminum-skinned aircraft. At Mach 3.2, fuel cycled behind the chine surface in order to cool the aircraft! The inner windshield temperature could reach 120°C even though a heavy-duty cooling system was on a full function. On landing, the outside temperature of the canopy could reach 300°C, and it must have been far beyond on the fuselage, and wing surfaces while flying at high speeds. The pilot could feel the heat behind his protective gloves!

Special thanks to Xavier Cotton for the Blackbird photos. Please, visit his website on


RAMP AGENT about her JOB

cours anglais aviation Toni Giacoia FCL .055 OACI en ligne à distance

Cours d’anglais aéronautique sur FCL ANGLAIS

When you pull your suitcase off the baggage carousel, you cannot see those who took care of it. They sort out a tremendous amount of bags and packs every day.

They drive tugs or pushback tractors, performing aircraft towings, and push-backs thanks to a tow bar. They load bulk cargo, and passenger baggage thanks to belt loaders, and they load ULD (Unit Load Device) pallets as well.

Maybe you wonder who these people are. Let us listen to one of these ramp agents also called « Fleet service clerks« ; « Fleet service agents« ; or « Baggage handlers« . Here is the video:


US military aircraft supposedly made up of Chinese knockoff!


RENO AIR RACES CRASH – Pilot Tried to Avoid Bleachers

74-year-old Jimmy Leeward, a movie stunt pilot was flying a P-51 Mustang called « Galloping Ghost » for the Reno Air Race yesterday September 16, 2011.

On the video you can see that shortly after lifting-up to reach the middle part of a loop, the aircraft dived towards the bleachers, and crashed very close to them. According to the news, 3 died, and 54 would have been injured, 12 of which in severe conditions. A Mayday emergency call would have been heard a few seconds before the accident.

The Reno Air Races have been cancelled even if the families insisted on letting the airshow go on. Some videos on the Internet show how violent the impact was. The area has been cordoned off as the NTSB is still investigating, as well as FAA officials were on the spot, and a mass-casualty situation has been reported.

Jimmy Leeward would have tried to dodge the bleachers as his P-51 was going down. The famous pilot would have saved hundreds of potential casualties before he died, according to this eyewitness account:
