The famous radio channel Voice Of America has just released an interesting interview. This is about voice communications and aviation English. This conversation is rather easy to listen to. The experienced pilot – Clyde Romero – gives his advice. He helps us understand the challenge between pilots and air traffic controllers when it comes to voice communications. However, would it be possible to implement a large-scale standard aviation english teaching program?
La célèbre chaîne radio Voice Of America vient de publier un entretien intéressant sur les communications vocales et l’anglais de l’aviation. Cette conversation est plutôt facile à écouter. Le pilote expérimenté, Clyde Romero, donne son avis. Il nous aide à comprendre le challenge entre pilotes et contrôleurs de la circulation aérienne lorsqu’il s’agit des communications vocales. Cependant, serait-il possible de mettre en place un program d’enseignement d’anglais aéronautique standard à grande échelle?

Special thanks to VOA as the whole transcript of this soundtrack is available on their website:
Merci à VOA étant donné que tout le script de cette bande son est disponible sur leur site internet: The Language of Air Travel on VOA.



As I was stumbling upon a fantastic picture shared by Stéphane Querry (follow his blog Survols), look at what the Californians could see up in the sky yesterday, on Friday, December 22, 2017:

Alors que je suis tombé sur une vue fantastique partagée par Stéphane Querry (suivez son blog Survols), regardez ce que les Californiens pouvaient voir dans le ciel. C’était hier, vendredi 22 décembre 2017:

The trails left by SpaceX Falcon 9 launch were so spectacular that the Californian witnesses believed it was a UFO. Beyond these impressive images, a new era has just begun as this lift off has sent 10 telecommunication satellites into space to build up the « orbital real estate » of the Iridium® satellite constellation. Aircraft, ships and land vehicles navigation will never be the same thanks to this network:

Les traînées laissées par le lancement de SpaceX Falcon 9 étaient si spectaculaires que les témoins californiens ont cru qu’il s’agissait d’un OVNI. Au-delà de ces images impressionnantes, c’est une nouvelle ère qui vient de commencer étant donné que ce lancement a envoyé 10 satellites de télécommunication dans l’espace pour construire le « parc orbital » de la constellation Iridium®. La navigation des aéronefs, des bateaux et des véhicules terrestre ne sera plus jamais la même grâce à ce réseau:



Here is a tribute to Captain Georges GUYNEMER who was killed in action on September 11th, 1917. Three months earlier, he fought with Ernst Udet, the ace who came up 2nd after the Red Baron. You can watch hereafter how this dogfight reportedly happened, and how these fighter pilots had the gut to keep honor above all:

Georges Guynemer, French Air Force pilot and WWI ace
Georges Guynemer by « Lucien » – Jebulon https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Jebulon

Remember Guynemer’s mottos:

FAIRE FACE (face up to it) was then adopted by the French Air Force Academy (FAFA) as their motto. A few words that well expresse the French pilots’ bravery.

WWI French ace Georges Guynemer used to say:

« Il y a une limite à toute chose, et il faut toujours la dépasser. »

‘Everything has a limit which has always got to be surpassed.’

« Lorsque l’on n’a pas tout donné, on n’a rien donné. »

‘As long as you have not given your all, you have given nothing.’

Loyal to these principles, the French ace took part in several hundreds of aerial combats, crediting 53 victories, maybe 88 victories because the French victory validation system was demanding. He was shot down seven times, and he was admired for he always survived, but that September 11, a hundred years ago. The hero took off once again, dashed to the frontlines, outnumbered by German warplanes in a last dogfighting over Belgium. Then, he fell. Since then, the French Air Force aviators have worn a black tie in sign of mourning.




He took off that day. It was 115 years ago, two years before the Wrights. Gustav Weisskopf had changed his name into Gustave Whitehead before building his aeroplane whose name was the « Condor », or number 21. Gustave was a German immigrant from Leutershausen in Bavaria, where a splendid museum https://www.weisskopf.de commemorates the feats of the brilliant inventor.

Two replicas of his plane #21 flew in 1986 in the U.S.A., and in 1997 in Germany. Several books have been written about Gustave Whitehead so far. Susan O’Dwyer Brinchman published the latest one last year. Her searching follows her father’s, Major William J. O’Dwyer, a retired U.S. Air Force Reserve officer who had found early Whitehead’s photos in an attic, in 1963, and researched Whitehead for the next 45 years, interviewing many witnesses. Susan worked with him during the later decades and recently, has found even more. She explains why Whitehead must have been the first in the world to perform a steerable, propelled without catapult, heavier-than-air flight. She shares an extensive FAQ and lots of resources on her website here: http://gustavewhitehead.info/gustave-whitehead-resources/  which are quite compelling. You can order her book Gustave Whitehead: First in Flight on Amazon or get a signed one by clicking on the cover here below:

Book cover First in Flight on Gustave Whietehead by Susan O'Dwyer BrinchmanBook cover story of Gustave Whitehead First in Flight aviation history Connecticut



https://youtu.be/x7Ahgnpf3G4 about Saint Patrick’s Day

Who was the real St. Patrick?


  • Saint Paddy’s Day = Saint Patrick’s Day
  • Leprechaun, pronounce [ˈlɛpɹəkɔːn]; lutin farceur, cordonnier, génie, qui fait partie du folklore irlandais
  • Shamrock: trèfle (attention, aux cartes, on dit « king of clubs » pour « roi de trèfle »
  • Pinching people who forget to wear green: pincer des gens qui oublient de s’habiller en vert.
  • Slavery: esclavage
  • Monk: moine
  • Gospel: parole d’Evangile
  • The very people: ceux-là mêmes