Pointing lasers at aircraft will cost offenders big time

cours anglais aviation Toni Giacoia FCL .055 OACI en ligne à distance

Cours d’anglais aéronautique sur FCL ANGLAIS

Pointing lasers at aircraft can cost pilots their lives. The FAA has decided to increase the penalty. This prank is to cost the offenders a hefty fine – up to $11,000. Some pen-shaped laser pointers have been reported around a thousand times in the USA in 2011, and 2,836 incidents were reported last year.

It may seem a harmless prank. However, when a laser pen user aims at an aircraft, it turns into a dangerous hazard as the laser light is reflected everywhere. When the beams re reflected into the pilots’ eyes, the can get blind, and cause a crash.






Pilots landing in Russia – 30 of them blinded by laser pens!

Pilot laser pen blinding on increase in Russia – watchdog

12:48 08/06/2011 Russian air transport regulator Rosaviatsiya noted on Wednesday an increase in cases of pilots being blinded by laser pens during landing at Russian airports, with 30 such incidents registered this year.>>

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Initial climb procedure on MD-11

MD11 Normal Takeoff from Chris Palmer on Vimeo.

Special thanks to this outstanding website: ANGLE OF ATTACK – This takeoff’s two-page MD-11 checklist FREE DOWNLOAD is available if you subscribe here >>>>>
