ANGLAIS OACI – AVERTISSEMENT: Vérifiez SVP sur les sites de l’OACI, l’AESA, la DGAC, le SIA, la CAA, la FAA ou autres réglementations si nécessaire.
ICAO ENGLISH – WARNING: Please check updates on ICAO, EASA, DGAC, SIA, CAA, FAA websites or other regulations if need be.
An important update has been released this month – May 2016 – making 06/27/2000 decree more accurate, and complete about voice-communication practices.
Une importante mise à jour a été éditée ce mois-ci (mai 2016), rendant le décret du 27/06/2000 plus précis et plus complet sur les pratiques des communications vocales.
As I have told you, for properly transmitting voice communications, you need to read ICAO – DOC 4444 ATM/PANS (Air Traffic Management, updated March, 2010) which costs up to $295.00 here (click on the link below):
DOC 4444 (2016)
However, you can read a previous edition of DOC 4444 (14th Edition, updated on November 24, 2005 for instance) if you type “doc 4444 – air traffic management fourteenth edition” like here below (click on the picture):

It isn’t worth reading everything as just for radiotelephony purpose, just skip to chapter 12 – page 161 until page 196.
Two other documents are important for aviation voice communications, and air traffic control:
SARPs = Standard And Recommended Practices
PANS = Procedures for Air Navigation Services
And check updates as often as possible.
ICAO English is a flight safety issue, and you know, flight safety is paramount…
L’anglais OACI est une question de sécurité des vols, et vous savez, la sécurité des vols est primordiale…
Here is a document from the FAA (U.S. Federal Aviation Administration) website that could help you about aircraft vocabulary (click on the picture below):

Thank you for your attention, and have a nice week 🙂