M2MT – Machine to Machine Targeting


German Stealth bomber made up of wood


FAA NextGen solution to ease traffic



François MAGUIN kindly allowed me to post his compact military aviation glossary for quick reference (click on the aircraft and/or the « passenger » below).

Clerk riding aircraft fuselage

Mr Maguin is a highly experienced English teacher at the French air force school of management and administration, and at the EOAA (French Air Force Academy – Salon de Provence) as well. He brilliantly translated Hamlet into French – a best-seller among the bilingual books. He has been involved in many works, groups and projects. This military aviation glossary should regularly be updated, the sky being the limit indeed. This publication is deemed to become no less than a must.

All my gratitude, and heartfelt thanks for all his efforts in supporting me and this blog so many times. Click on the man riding the aircraft above in order to download this military aviation glossary « The sky’s the limit« .


Un blog qui intéresse les contrôleurs, les pilotes et les navigateurs

Tous types d’infos sur la circulation aérienne, ce blog semble bien renseigné:
à lire, un article sur des japonais qui ont fait les frais de la législation en 2008 suite à un airprox en 2001.
Et la position de l’IFATCA à lire dans un autre lien à l’intérieur de la page au lien ci-dessus.
Bravo à l’auteur du blog pour cette adresse très intéressante!
